Chicago based accountant with more than 30 years of tax and accounting experience. Works primarily with small businesses, business owners and individuals. Preparation of back-owed taxes is a specialty. Prepare all types of tax returns (income, sales and use, estate/trust, corporate/business, individual, etc.). Tax relief (tax problem resolution) is an area of specialty for both state & federal taxes. This can include filing back taxes, setting up payment plans, preparing an offer-in-compromise (asking for a reduced amount due to financial situation). Accounting & Bookkeeping services are also offered. I've set up clients with new accounting systems, tweaked processes where needed and filled in when bookkeepers are on vacation. If you live in Cook County, IL, we'll see if you can save on your Property Taxes - call for details or go to Look for blog posts ( & page updates on my website ( for specialized information. There is a Client Handouts page on the blog site ( where you can find a lot of free information!