Tess is a heart-centered Therapist, Healer and Mentor. She is a Naturopath, Energy-Kinesiologist, BioResonance Therapist and Reconnective Healing Practitioner. She facilitates The Personal Reconnection Process as well as Aromatic Kinesiology for people who are ready to step into their best selves. Tess integrates her Intuitive Healing abilities and Naturopathic Knowledge with Quantum Information Medicine to bring transformational healing through the frequencies of light, energy and information and the gentle but powerful vibrational influence of essential oils on the emotional, mental, spiritual and mental being. Tess is also the owner and CEO of a large Essential Oil business, sharing the natural healing powers of Mother Earth's gifts with thousands of families globally. She has a global team of Wellness advocates who work alongside her in this business and who have created abundance and pipeline income for themselves as well. She welcomes new customers and anyone interested in working with her.